
UCI Machine Learning Repository

I serve as a curator and librarian for the UCI Machine Learning Repository team, which is co-advised by Dr. Sameer Singh, Dr. Padhraic Smyth, and Dr. Phillip Papadopoulos. For this project, we are working on improving the repository to better support AI/ML research, e.g., by compiling more comprehensive and structured metadata for datasets, using text analysis to track and link dataset citations in the literature, and providing automatically-generated baseline evaluations.

Los Alamos National Laboratory

In the summer of 2023, I worked as a graduate student researcher with mentors Dr. Emily Casleton and Dr. Giri Gopalan in the Statistical Sciences group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. For this project, we investigated statistical approaches for the testing and evaluation of pre-trained models (such), focusing in particular on uncertainty quantification techniques.

NIST Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence

As part of the CSAFE consortium, we are developing statistical methodologies for supporting forensics in the analysis of behavioral event data from digital devices. We are investigating probabilistic models that address identity-related forensics questions, such as whether two sets of texts were generated by the same individual or by two different individuals.

UCI COVID Awareness Group

The UCI COVID Awareness Group constructed a dashboard for visualizing the trends of hospitalizations, ICU patients, cases, and deaths of COVID-19 in California. The data used to construct the dashboard comes from the California Open Data Portal and the Orange County Health Agency.

Press: UCI researchers launch first-of-its-kind coronavirus statistics portal.